Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Thursday's Topic

Thursday, May 30, 2013 @ 6:30pm

Location -  Island Italian Restaurant

15370 S Padre Island Dr
Corpus Christi, TX 78418
(361) 949-7737

Agenda 21 - "Rescuing A Broken America"

2 hrs.

Over the past 100 years global forces have actively worked to change the world view of Americans and create what they now call “global governance.” Unknowingly indoctrinated Americans have moved from a liberty and constitutionally focused world view based on the writings of Englishman John Locke, to that of government control of the individual based on the writings of Frenchman Jean Jacque Rousseau. After failing in the early 20th century, Rousseau’s progressive model of state control once again dominates government policy and America’s world view.
Progressive ideology permeates our education, judicial, media, and legislative institutions. It is non-partisan, infecting both the Democrat and Republican Parties. It is destroying the free market system, individual civil liberties and protections guaranteed by the United States Constitution.
There is hope. Although seriously weakened, the Constitution still stands and its protections are still in most federal and state laws. Little known—even to attorneys—these provisions offer protection for local communities from the tyranny of laws passed by misled progressives from both sides of the political isle.

Views and Opinions expressed in this film are not necessarily those of the members of "Texans for Liberty" (T4L). As always, T4L recommends that you do your own research. T4L is "Open Forum". Come join in the discussion

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Thursdays Topic

Thursday, May 23, 2013 @ 6:30pm
Location - Rudy's Texas Bar-B-Q  6101 SPID
Phone: 361-906-0327 


Bill Jasper tells what happened at Rio in 1992

30 min

This video features just one of many speakers, at the 2012 Eagle Forum Conference, covering the Agenda 21 Project that is currently being implemented in the United States.

Ask someone what "globalism" means and you are likely to get answers ranging from "world trade" to "world peace" to "I don't know." Any suggestion that it amounts to "world government" or "tyranny" brings with it the risk of being pegged as a conspiracy nut.

Yet, there is clear and mounting evidence that a handful of organizations -- most notably the United Nations -- are actively working to diminish U.S. sovereignty and the constitutional rights of U.S. citizens in order to promote an ever-increasing level of global governance.

This video features journalist and author William Jasper, senior editor for The New American magazine. Jasper's previous book, "Global Tyranny," focused on the goals, objectives and actions of the United Nations. Now, in "The United Nations Exposed," he continues to focus on the primary mechanism of would-be global controllers and what they have been up to since 1992, when "Global Tyranny" was first published.

(This video is the first of several that will be shown covering the same subject at the 2012 Eagle Forum Conference.)
Views and Opinions expressed in this film are not necessarily those of the members of "Texans for Liberty" (T4L). As always, T4L recommends that you do your own research. T4L is "Open Forum". Come join in the discussion

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Thursday's Topic

Thursday, May 16, 2013 @ 6:30pm

Location -  Island Italian

15370 S Padre Island Dr
Corpus Christi, TX 78418
(361) 949-7737


The Ultimate History Lesson: A Weekend with John Taylor Gatto

A 5-hour journey examining the history, root-causes, and consequences of public schooling.
(We will be watching the first 2 parts of this interview)

2hrs. 18 min.

Publication Date: 2012

Summary: Former NYC and New York State School Teacher of the Year (John Taylor Gatto) illustrates HOW and WHY our public schools are dumbing us down… and what We can do about it.

From the back-cover: “When John Taylor Gatto resigned from his job, he did so on the Op-Ed page of the Wall Street Journal. At the time, he was NYC and NY State “Teacher of the Year”. Herein, with more than 200 footnotes, and more than 30 classic texts referenced; this 5-hour interview session, memorializing John’s research, publications, and life experiences, forms an impeccable family resource and reference library of The Underground History of American Education. Each hour focuses on examining the evolution of ideas, which manifest today in the phenomenon of public schooling. By dissecting the history and presenting you with the references, you’re left at the end of each hour, with a copious amount of information to digest; from which you can continue your own personal journey of discovery.”

This interview also includes solutions, documents, and references; asking only that you consider the information – THINK FOR YOURSELF – and communicate with others in order to share a higher-level of awareness, thus protecting ourselves from financial predators. This presentation is offered as a public service of the subscribers of the Tragedy and Hope online community, which is an international research and study group, composed of individuals who have screened our productions, and seek to take the next-steps in enacting strategic solutions.

Views and Opinions expressed in this film are not necessarily those of the members of "Texans for Liberty" (T4L). As always, T4L recommends that you do your own research. T4L is "Open Forum". Come join in the discussion

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Thursday's Topic

Thursday, May 09, 2013 @ 6:30pm

The Ultimate History Lesson: A Weekend with John Taylor Gatto

A 5-hour journey examining the history, root-causes, and consequences of public schooling

(We will be watching the first 2 parts of this interview)
2hrs. 18 min.
Publication Date: 2012
Summary: Former NYC and New York State School Teacher of the Year (John Taylor Gatto) illustrates HOW and WHY our public schools are dumbing us down… and what We can do about it.
From the back-cover: “When John Taylor Gatto resigned from his job, he did so on the Op-Ed page of the Wall Street Journal. At the time, he was NYC and NY State “Teacher of the Year”. Herein, with more than 200 footnotes, and more than 30 classic texts referenced; this 5-hour interview session, memorializing John’s research, publications, and life experiences, forms an impeccable family resource and reference library of The Underground History of American Education. Each hour focuses on examining the evolution of ideas, which manifest today in the phenomenon of public schooling. By dissecting the history and presenting you with the references, you’re left at the end of each hour, with a copious amount of information to digest; from which you can continue your own personal journey of discovery.”
This interview also includes solutions, documents, and references; asking only that you consider the information – THINK FOR YOURSELF – and communicate with others in order to share a higher-level of awareness, thus protecting ourselves from financial predators. This presentation is offered as a public service of the subscribers of the Tragedy and Hope online community, which is an international research and study group, composed of individuals who have screened our productions, and seek to take the next-steps in enacting strategic solutions.

Views and Opinions expressed in this film are not necessarily those of the members of "Texans for Liberty" (T4L). As always, T4L recommends that you do your own research. T4L is "Open Forum". Come join in the discussion.