Saturday, February 23, 2013

Thursday's Topic

Atlas Shrugged II: The Strike

Jason's Deli
1416 Airline Dr. in Gulfway Shopping Center next to Sprouts
Thursday, February 28, 2013, 6:30pm

111 min.

The global economy is on the brink of collapse. Unemployment tops 24%. Gas is $42 per gallon. Railroads are the main transportation. Brilliant creators, from artists to industrialists, are mysteriously disappearing. Dagny Taggart, COO of Taggart Transcontinental, has discovered an answer to the mounting energy crisis - a prototype of a motor that draws energy from static electricity. But, until she finds its creator, it's useless. It's a race against time. And someone is watching.


Views and Opinions expressed in this film are not necessarily those of the members of "Texans for Liberty" (T4L). As always, T4L recommends that you do your own research. T4L is "Open Forum". Come join in the discussion.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Thursday's Topic

We will NOT have a meeting this coming Thursday (2/21). Jason's Deli was not available for us to use. We will resume our meetings the following Thursday (2/28).

Texans for Liberty

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Thursday's Topic

The Great Culling - Our Water - Fluoride Poisoning

Jason's Deli
1416 Airline Dr. in Gulfway Shopping Center next to Sprouts

Thursday, February 14, 2013, 6:30pm

92 min.

The Great Culling of the human population has quietly begun. Covertly, insidiously, mercilessly, a global depopulation agenda has been launched. As this plays out, the vast majority of the human race will be removed from the gene pool. Genetically annihilated. Will you and your genetic lineage survive? 

Film-makers Paul Wittenberger (What In The World Are They Spraying?) and Chris Maple explore what are the real threats to your life, your offspring and your genetic integrity? How can you protect yourself from those threats? Why is a global depopulation agenda being pursued? The more you understand these answers, the greater your odds of surviving The Great Culling. 

Our water, our food and our air are all under attack. This film is the first in a series that exposes how the eugenics agenda is being quietly implemented. The Great Culling: Our Water specifically focuses on how water fits into this Machiavellian plan. Water is essential to life, learn all the ways it is being manipulated as part of a larger depopulation agenda. 

Featuring: David Kennedy, Gary Pittman, Mike Adams, Paul Connett, Charlie Goetschel and Laura Pressley.

Views and Opinions expressed in this film are not necessarily those of the members of "Texans for Liberty" (T4L). As always, T4L recommends that you do your own research. T4L is "Open Forum". Come join in the discussion.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Thursday's Topic

Jason's Deli
1416 Airline Dr. in Gulfway Shopping Center next to Sprouts

Thursday, February 7, 2013, 6:30pm

"Rise of the Drones"

 1 hr.

Drones. These unmanned flying robots–some as large as jumbo jets, others as small as birds–do things straight out of science fiction. Much of what it takes to get these robotic airplanes to fly, sense, and kill has remained secret. But now, with rare access to drone engineers and those who fly them for the U.S. military, NOVA reveals the amazing technologies that make drones so powerful as we see how a remotely-piloted drone strike looks and feels from inside the command center. From cameras that can capture every detail of an entire city at a glance to swarming robots that can make decisions on their own to giant air frames that can stay aloft for days on end, drones are changing our relationship to war, surveillance, and each other. And it's just the beginning. Discover the cutting edge technologies that are propelling us toward a new chapter in aviation history as NOVA gets ready for "Rise of the Drones."

Views and Opinions expressed in this film are not necessarily those of the members of "Texans for Liberty" (T4L).

As always, T4L recommends that you do your own research.

T4L is "Open Forum". Come join in the discussion.

Via Michael Krieger of Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

Advice From The Department Of Homeland Security: "If Attacked By A Shooter, Grab Some Scissors"

We first heard about this from a New York Post article on the topic.  Then we watched the video for ourselves.  It’ll make you want to defund the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) immediately.  While the whole “grab scissors” to defend oneself during a mass shooting is pretty amusing, the more disturbing part is that 90% of the video just consists of people on their knees in cubicles cowering in fear or running panicked with their hands in the air.  All the while police in black uniforms and “assault weapons” race in to save the day!  The video is a great representation of how the DHS views the citizenry.  Feeble, helpless, pathetic little children.  You’ve gotta watch it for yourself!

Friday, February 1, 2013